Pro .NET 4 Parallel Programming in C# (Expert's Voice in .NET) 1st ed. Edition 63575

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Parallel programming has been років революцію в цій in .NET 4, providing, for the first time, a standardised and simplified method for creating robust, scalable and reliable multi-threaded applications. The Parallel programming features of .NET 4 allow the programmer to create applications that harness the power of multi-core and multi-processor machines. Simpler to use and more powerful than "classic" .NET threads, parallel programming allows the developer to remain focused on the work needs an application to perform.

In Pro .NET 4 Parallel Programming in C#, Adam Freeman presents expert advice that guides you through the process of creating concurrent C# applications from the ground up. You'll be introduced to .NET's parallel programming features, both old and new, discover the key functionality that has been introduced in .NET 4, and learn how you can take advantage of the power of multi-core and multi-processor machines with ease.

Pro .NET 4 Parallel Programming in C# is a reliable companion that will remain with you as you explore the parallel programming universe, and elegantly comprehensively explaining all aspects of parallel programming, guiding you around potential pitfalls and providing clear-cut solutions to the common problems that you will encounter.


Pro .NET 4 Parallel Programming in C# (Expert's Voice in .NET) 1st ed. Edition



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