Lessons Learned in Software Testing. A Context-Driven Approach 38705

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Decades of software testing experience condensed into the most important lessons learned.

The world's leading software testing experts you lend their wisdom and years of experience to help you avoid the most common mistakes in software testing. Each lesson is an assertion related to software testing, followed by an explanation or example that shows you the how, when, and why of the testing lesson. More than just tips, tricks, and pitfalls to avoid, Lessons Learned in Software Testing speeds you through the critical testing phase of the software development project without the extensive trial and error it takes by to do so. The ultimate resource for software testers and developers at every level of expertise, this guidebook features:

  • Over 200 lessons gleaned from over 30 years of combined testing experience
  • Tips, tricks, and common pitfalls to avoid by simply reading the book rather than finding out the hard way
  • Lessons for all key topic areas, including test design, test management, testing strategies, and bug reporting
  • Explanations and examples of each testing trouble spot help illustrate each lesson's assertion

CEM KANER, JD, PhD, is a professor of computer sciences at Florida Institute of Technology. He also consults on technical and management issues, and practices law within the software development community. He is the lead author of two books, Testing Computer Software and Bad Software (from both Wiley).

JAMES BACH is founder and principal consultant of Satisfice, Inc., a software testing and quality assurance company. His experience with competitive software development in leading Silicon Valley companies, such as Apple and Borland, led him to specialize in such aspects of the craft as "good enough" quality, risk-based testing, exploratory testing, and other techniques that require skill and judgment. He has also served as Chief Scientist at Software Testing Labs.

BRET PETTICHORD works as an independent consultant and edits the popular Software Testing Disaboom at www.testinghotlist.com. A frequent speaker and writer, he is also the founder of the Austin Workshop on Test Automation.


Lessons Learned in Software Testing. A Context-Driven Approach


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Сама книга хорошая. Если вы новичок и ищете книгу именно по теории тестирования, то эта книга скорее всего не для вас. Здесь больше авторы делятся своим опытом, дают полезные советы, рекомендации, основываясь на своем многолетнем опыте в сфере тестирования ПО. Книга интересная, рекмоендую!

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    Lessons Learned in Software Testing. A Context-Driven Approach

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