Yves Saint Laurent: a Moroccan Passion 191328

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In this facsimile of a handwritten leather-bound journal, Pierre Berge, the longtime partner of Yves Saint Laurent, remembers their life together
In this handwritten, personal memoir, Pierre Berge recalls his life with Yves Saint Laurent in Morocco. He remembers their arrival in Marrakech in 1966, their first home purchased together, and their exploration of Morocco and its fascinating light. He remembers friends-Loulou de La Falaise, Fernando Sanchez, Andy Warhol, Betty Catroux-who, like them, chose to live in Morocco, or who accompanied them on their adventure. He awakens the past with personal photographs, many published for the first time, and drawings and watercolors by Lawrence Mynott that evoke the magic of Morocco. This moving, intimate book, bound to resemble a leather journal, offers a rare glimpse into the personal life of the celebrated designer, revealing how Morocco's vibrant culture and extraordinary landscapes inspired some of YSL's greatest collections.



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