Art of Napkin Folding, The 88640

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Art of Napkin Folding, The - фото 5
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Art of Napkin Folding, The - фото 8
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Art of Napkin Folding, The - фото 10

Все про “Art of Napkin Folding, The”


Add a stylish and thoughtful finishing touch to your decorative table setting with a carefully chosen and presented napkin.

How much better food tastes when it is thoughtfully presented at a beautiful and stylish table, and what better way to embellish your dining experience than with a chic folded napkin. There are step-by-step instructions for 20 napkin folds in a range of stylish shapes. Inspiring ideas for decorating, embroidering and monogramming are also included, as well as for making napkin rings using fresh flowers, fruit and ribbons. Ten themed occasions are featured, including all-time favorites such as Classic Elegance or Romantic Dinner, festive meals such as Christmas Cheer and Wedding Breakfast, as well as occasions such as Mother’s Day Lunch or Baby Shower. For each event there is a wealth of delightful suggestions for creatively styled napkins and other finishing touches. Whether it’s a relaxed family lunch or a formal wedding table, The Art of Napkin Folding is full of inspiring suggestions for beautifully styled napkins.



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