Invincible. А book about the resistance of Ukrainian women in the war against Russian invaders 242408

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Invincible. А book about the resistance of Ukrainian women in the war against Russian invaders - фото 1
Invincible. А book about the resistance of Ukrainian women in the war against Russian invaders - фото 2
Invincible. А book about the resistance of Ukrainian women in the war against Russian invaders - фото 3
Invincible. А book about the resistance of Ukrainian women in the war against Russian invaders - фото 4
Invincible. А book about the resistance of Ukrainian women in the war against Russian invaders - фото 5
Invincible. А book about the resistance of Ukrainian women in the war against Russian invaders - фото 6
422480 ₴

Все про “Invincible. А book about the resistance of Ukrainian women in the war against Russian invaders”

Від видавця

Invincible is a book about Ukrainian women, about stout Ukrainian spirit, about women’s unity and the courage they found to leave home and save their families and their country, about the unexpectable qualities of Ukrainian women revealed by the war, about how they help the army and dream to rebuild their country.
The book includes 30 stories of female soldiers, paramedics, volunteers, founders of foundations and shelters, lawyers representing the rights of Ukrainians in different countries, and women organizing campaigns so that Ukraine’s voice is heard all around the world.
This publication is to draw the world’s attention to the all-embracing activities of Ukrainian women, who joined the Armed Forces or the Territorial Defense Forces, gather humanitarian aid and deliver it in a hail of bullets, pull the wounded out of the rubble, provide medical care, evacuate children, the elderly, and animals in peril of their own life. Ukrainian women discovered the qualities they would never have thought they had. The book is about the wisdom and indestructibility of Ukrainian women.
The characters gave interviews in February–September 2022 during the full-scale invasion of Russia. Information about events is presented as of the time of the interview.



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