Annisokay – Aurora ( 2LP, Album, Vinyl) 275750

Annisokay – Aurora  ( 2LP, Album, Vinyl) - фото 1
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Все про “Annisokay – Aurora ( 2LP, Album, Vinyl)”

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Фірмова вінілова платівка (Vinyl)

German Post-Hardcore Band from Halle. They are active since 2007.
As for the somewhat strange name: annisokay
In the 1987 song "Smooth Criminal" from Michael Jackson he repeatedly sings: "Annie, are you ok? So, Annie are you ok?"
Jokingly the Band, looking for a name, wanted to answer this question affirmatively, so: "Yes Michael, Annie is OK". It stuck and became Ann is okay, or Annisokay.
The Band also recorded a four track cover EP called Annie Are You Okay? which contained four Michael Jackson songs, but strangely omitted the song "Smooth Criminal" the title basically refers too.


A1 Like A Parasite
A3 The Tragedy
A4 Face The Facts
B1 Overload
B2 Bonfire Of The Millennials
B3 The Cocains Got Your Tongue
B4 Under Your Tattoos
C1 The Blame Game
C2 I Saw What You Did
C3 Standing Still
C4 Friend Or Enemy
C5 Terminal Velocity



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