Instant Flask Web Development 12808

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In Detail Flask is a web framework for Python, which lets you start simply and grow carefully without facing any issues with the framework as your project gets large. Flask integrates Werkzeug (a web programming toolkit) and Jinja (a templating engine) and adds a layer that lets you build web applications and services in a compact way, while letting you choose your own tools. Instant Flask Web Development takes you beyond the quick start in the Flask documentation and shows you a bottom-up approach to organizing your Flask application. It shows you how to build a small deployable scheduling application with pointers to the various design decisions you can make when developing with Flask. Instant Flask Web Development lets you set up your development environment and learn how Flask handles web requests, then shows you how to build a functional data-driven web application that is ready to publish, by adding one layer at a time. When working with Flask, you can work with Python and utilize its best tools for the job. The book will help you build the layers of a simple application: URL routes with Flask, a database with SQLAlchemy, form validation with WTForms, user authentication and sessions, page layout with Twitter Bootstrap, browser and code with jQuery. This book promises to get you up and running on your first Flask app, so that you can use Flask Python and on your next web project. Approach Filled with practical, step-by-step instructions and clear explanations for the most important and useful tasks. The book uses a bottom-up approach to help you build applications, and is full of step-by-step instructions and practical examples to help you improve your knowledge. Who this book is for Instant Flask Web Development is for developers who are new to web programming, or are familiar with web programming new but to Flask. This book gives you a head start if you have some beginner experience with Python and HTML, or are willing to learn.


Instant Flask Web Development



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