Contemporary Architecture. Masterpieces around the World 244938

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3'8364'262 ₴

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Nearly exactly ten years after the publication of the Atlas of World Architecture, this new follow-up publication reviews the last architectural decade by means of current exemplary buildings from all continents. Not only have building tasks, techniques and styles changed greatly in the last decade, but the world has transformed, which is significantly reflected in global building culture. Conversion and sustainability have gained significantly in importance, and great innovative architecture has emerged in new regions.
The most diverse projects from temporary exhibition halls to mega airports are compiled and vividly presented in concise texts, accompanied by images and drawings. Contemporary Architecture. Masterpieces around the World is published as a new reference work that reflects the exciting diversity and remarkable achievements of current architecture worldwide. A particular focus is once again on presenting previously unknown masterpieces alongside the well-known highlights of today's world of construction.

About the Author:
The core topic for Chris van Uffelen is the transfer of knowledge about design in all its manifestations. For more than twenty years the Dutch-German art historian has been publishing books as well as countless essays and articels on art, architecture, interior design and urban planning from antiquity to the present.




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