Toots Thielemans, Philip Catherine And Friends – Two Generations (LP, Limited Edition, Numbered, Stereo, White Vinyl) 276674

Toots Thielemans, Philip Catherine And Friends – Two Generations (LP, Limited Edition, Numbered, Stereo, White Vinyl) - фото 1
Toots Thielemans, Philip Catherine And Friends – Two Generations (LP, Limited Edition, Numbered, Stereo, White Vinyl) - фото 2
Toots Thielemans, Philip Catherine And Friends – Two Generations (LP, Limited Edition, Numbered, Stereo, White Vinyl) - фото 3
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Все про “Toots Thielemans, Philip Catherine And Friends – Two Generations (LP, Limited Edition, Numbered, Stereo, White Vinyl)”

Від видавця

Фірмова вінілова платівка (VINYL)

Jean-Baptiste Frederic Isidor, Baron Thielemans (29 April 1922 – 22 August 2016), known professionally as Toots Thielemans, was a Belgian jazz musician. He was mostly known for playing the chromatic harmonica, as well as his guitar and whistling skills, and composing. According to jazz historian Ted Gioia, his most important contribution was in "championing the humble harmonica", which Thielemans made into a "legitimate voice in jazz". He eventually became the "preeminent" jazz harmonica player.

Philip Catherine was born in London, England, to an English mother and Belgian father, and was raised in Brussels, Belgium. His grandfather was a violinist in the London Symphony Orchestra. Catherine started on guitar in his teens, and by seventeen he was performing professionally at local venues.


A2Be Be Creole4:51
A4Two Generations4:11
A5Why Did I Choose You3:50
B1Uncle Charlie6:30
B2Friday Night3:46
B4Inner Journey3:43
B5L'Eternal Mari5:28



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