Ernst Ludwig Kirchner 141208

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Ernst Ludwig Kirchner - фото 1
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Все про “Ernst Ludwig Kirchner”

Від видавця

Ця книга видана до великої виставки в Neue Galerie New York, пропонує огляд творчості Кіршнера та поглиблений аналіз різних аспектів творчості художника. Есе провідних експертів вивчає підхід Кіршнера до кольору, його інтерес до декоративно-прикладного мистецтва, те, як електричне світло впливало на його обробку кольорів, вплив Ніцше на його роботи, і про те, як його глибоко змінила Перша світова війна.

Throughout his career, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner employed a highly inventive and original use of color. He favored novel applications of paint in unusual matte finishes. For Kirchner, color was of primary importance, coupled with technique and style. He was one of the leading Expressionist painters of the time and was one of the founding members of the Brucke. In his deeply personal depictions, he focused on the places where he lived and worked and his close friends and associates. This book, accompanying a major exhibition at the Neue Galerie New York, provides a visual survey of Kirchner’s oeuvre and offers an in-depth analysis of different aspects of the artist’s output. Essays by leading experts examine Kirchner’s approach to color, his interest in the decorative arts, how electric light affected his treatment of color, the impact of Nietzsche on his work, and how he was profoundly changed by World War I. This book includes illustrations of nearly 40 paintings, 30 prints, as well as drawings, sketchbooks, photographs, and decorative work.



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  • Доставка поштовими сервісами - тарифи перевізника
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