Expert SQL Server Transactions and Locking: Concurrency Internals for SQL Server Practitioners 938

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 Master SQL server's Concurrency Model so you can implement high-throughput systems that deliver transactional consistency to your application customers. This book explains how to troubleshoot and address blocking problems and deadlocks, and write code and design database schemas to minimize concurrency issues in the systems you develop.

SQL server's Concurrency Model is one of the least understood parts of the SQL Server Database Engine. Almost every SQL Server system experiences hard-to-explain concurrency and blocking issues, and it can be extremely confusing to solve those issues without a base of knowledge in the internals of the Engine. While confusing from the outside the SQL Server Concurrency Model is based on several well-defined principles that are covered in this book.

Understanding the internals surrounding SQL server's Concurrency Model helps you build high-throughput systems in multi-user environments. This book guides you through the Concurrency Model and elaborates how SQL Server supports transactional consistency in the databases. The book covers all versions of SQL Server, including Microsoft SQL Azure Database, and it includes coverage of new technologies such as In-Memory OLTP and Columnstore Indexes.

What you'll Learn

  • Know how transaction isolation levels affect locking behavior and concurrency
  • Troubleshoot and address blocking issues and deadlocks
  • Provide data required consistency while minimizing concurrency issues
  • Design efficient transaction strategies that lead to scalable code
  • Reduce concurrency problems through good schema design
  • Understand concurrency models for In-Memory OLTP and Columnstore Indexes
  • Reduce blocking during index maintenance, batch data load and similar tasks

Who This Book Is For

SQL Server developers, database administrators, and application architects who are developing highly-concurrent applications. The book is for anyone interested in the technical aspects of creating and troubleshooting high-throughput systems that respond swiftly to user requests.

About the Author

Dmitri Korotkevitch is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and Microsoft Certified Master (SQL Server 2008) with many years of IT experience, including years of experience working with Microsoft SQL Server as Application and Database Developer, Database Administrator, and Database Architect. He specializes in the design, development, and performance tuning of complex OLTP systems that handle thousands of transactions per second around the clock. Currently, he works as Director of Database Services at and he provides SQL Server consulting services and training to clients around the world. Dmitri regularly speaks at various Microsoft SQL and PASS events.


Expert SQL Server Transactions and Locking: Concurrency Internals for SQL Server Practitioners



Всі характеристики

  • Видавництво
  • Автор
  • Категорія
    Бази даних
  • Рік
  • Сторінок
  • Формат
    170х240 мм
  • Обкладинка
  • Тип паперу
  • Мова
  • Термін поставки
    10-14 дней

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  • Безкоштовна доставка від 3'000,00 ₴
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