Програмування PHP, 3rd Edition Creating Dynamic Web Pages 13248

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This updated edition teaches everything you need to know to create effective web applications with the latest features in PHP 5.x. You'll start with the big picture and then dive into language syntax, programming techniques, and other details, using examples that illustrate both correct usage and common idioms. If you have a working knowledge of HTML, the authors' many style tips and practical programming advice will help you become a top-notch PHP programmer. Get an overview of what's possible with PHP programs Learn language fundamentals, including data types, variables, operators, and flow control statements Understand functions, strings, arrays, and objects Apply common web application techniques, such as form processing, data validation, session tracking, and cookies Interact with relational databases like MySQL or NoSQL databases such as MongoDB Generate dynamic images, create PDF files, and parse XML files Learn secure scripts, error handling, performance tuning, and other advanced topics Get a quick reference to PHP core functions and standard extensions


Chapter 1 : Introduction to PHP
What Does PHP Do?
A Brief History of PHP
Installing PHP
A Walk Through PHP
Chapter 2 : Language Basics
Lexical Structure
Data Types
Expressions and Operators
Flow Control Statements
Including Code
Embedding PHP in Web Pages
Chapter 3 : Functions
Calling a Function
Defining a Function
Variable Scope
Function Parameters
Return Values
Variable Functions
Anonymous Functions
Chapter 4 : Strings
Quoting String Constants
Printing Strings
Accessing Individual Characters
Cleaning Strings
Encoding and Escaping
Comparing Strings
Manipulating and Searching Strings
Regular Expressions
Chapter 5 : Arrays
Indexed Versus Associative Arrays
Identifying Elements of an Array
Storing Data in Arrays
Multidimensional Arrays
Extracting Multiple Values
Converting Between Arrays Variables and
Traversing Arrays
Acting on Entire Arrays
Using Arrays
Iterator Interface
Chapter 6 : Objects
Creating an Object
Accessing Properties and Methods
Declaring a Class
Chapter 7 : Web Techniques
HTTP Basics
Server Information
Processing Forms
Setting Response Headers
Maintaining State
Chapter 8 : Databases
Using PHP to Access a Database
Relational Databases and SQL
MySQLi Object Interface
Direct File-Level Manipulation
Chapter 9 : Graphics
Embedding an Image in a Page
Basic Graphics Concepts
Creating and Drawing Images
Images with Text
Dynamically Generated Buttons
Scaling Images
Color Handling
Chapter 10 : PDF
PDF Extensions
Documents and Pages
Chapter 11 : XML
Lightning Guide to XML
Generating XML
XML Parsing
XML Parsing with DOM
XML Parsing with SimpleXML
Transforming XML with XSLT
Chapter 12 : Security
Filter Input
Cross-Site Scripting
Escape Output
Session Fixation
File Uploads
File Access
PHP Code
Shell Commands
More Information
Security Recap
Chapter 13 : Application Techniques
Code Libraries
Templating Systems
Handling Output
Error Handling
Performance Tuning
Chapter 14 : PHP on Disparate Platforms
Writing Portable Code for Windows and Unix
Interfacing with COM
Chapter 15 : Web Services
REST Clients
Chapter 16 : Debugging PHP
The Development Environment
The Staging Environment
The Production Environment
php.ini Settings
Manual Debugging
Error Log
IDE Debugging
Additional Debugging Techniques
Chapter 17 : Dates and Times
Appendix : Function Reference
PHP Functions by Category
Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions


Програмування PHP, 3rd Edition Creating Dynamic Web Pages



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