Black Beauty 134899

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Все про “Black Beauty”

Від видавця

Бібліотека колекціонера Макмілана створена, щоб сподобатись справжнім любителям книг: зручні кишенькові видання, які включають найулюбленіші класичні твори, високоякісний папір, елегантно оформлені обкладинки.

Designed to appeal to the book lover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautifully bound pocket-sized gift editions of much loved classic titles. Bound in real cloth, printed on high quality paper, and featuring ribbon markers and gilt edges, Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.

Black Beauty enjoys a carefree upbringing on a farm with his mother. His gentle first master trains him well but is sadly forced to sell him. As Beauty then passes from one owner to the next, he experiences terrible hardship and cruelty but his unshakeable spirit wills him to survive.

Anna Sewell’s autobiographical novel of a horse is one of the best-selling books of all time, and her depiction of Victorian society’s harsh treatment of animals inspired significant changes to animal welfare in the both the UK and America.



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